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A video streaming platform for all things tech!


Reactodoro is a Pomodoro app built using React.js. Beat procrastination one pomodoro at a time with Reactodoro.


Inquizz is a fun quiz that tests your knowledge on a variety of topics.


Gametroid is an e-commerce app for all things gaming built using React.js.

tidle UI

tidle UI is a simple, modular CSS freamework that provides ready-to-use components and powerful utility classes that you can use to build beautiful interfaces.


Hoobank is a modern landing page built using React.js, vite and tailwindcss.

Webpack Starter

This is a webpack starter project for Vanilla JS applications using modern tools.


A simple Weather App built using OpenWeatherMap API that provides the required weather details at a glance.


StatesOfIndia is a simple quiz app that checks your knowledge on the Capitals of the States of India.

Chat Squad

A Single group chat app using React and Firebase.

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